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MOON-TECH officially signed the contract of Guangzhou Port Nansha International Logistics Center Project
Date:2020.06.30 Size

On June 28, Guangzhou Port Co., Ltd. successfully held the topping-out ceremony for the civil works of the first phase of the Nansha International Logistics Center (South) Project. MOON-TECH Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and President Li Zengqun, Executive Vice President Shu Jianguo, and Vice Minister of the Domestic Marketing Business Department Qian ranglong and their entourage attended the ceremony. During the ceremony, Chairman Li Zengqun delivered a speech, and Vice President Shu Jianguo and General Manager of Guangzhou Port Logistics Co., Ltd. and Hai ning signed the cold chain logistics center refrigeration equipment and engineering turnkey agreement.

Contract signing site of Guangzhou Nansha International Cold Chain Project

Chairman of MOON-TECH, Mr. Li Zengqun, delivered a speech

MOON-TECH Executive Vice President, Mr. Shu Jianguo (front row, first from left) and General Manager of Guangzhou Port Logistics Co.

Guangzhou Nansha International Logistics Center project contains three cold storage buildings in the first phase, the total amount of cold storage of frozen materials can reach nearly 300,000 tons, which can meet the needs of the Pearl River Delta region of aquatic products, agricultural products, seasoned food, such as storage and transportation turnover. After the completion of the project, it will be a large-scale, high-standard, sound and functional cold chain logistics complex at the port hub, and will also be a representative benchmark project for China's and even the world's cold chain logistics industry.

MOON-TECH will adopt the most advanced ammonia/carbon dioxide cascade refrigeration technology, which integrates “safety, environmental protection and energy saving” in this contracted project. MOON-TECH will launch the “MICC Smart Cloud Platform” based on Internet of Things (IoT) technology and big data, which can ensure the visualization, refinement and digital operation of the cold chain system of Guangzhou Port, and can realize the “full life cycle service guarantee” from online to offline. To turn the logistics center into a green energy community of “symbiosis and common use, complementary optimization, clean and low-carbon emission and intelligent interconnection”.

Under the current situation, the construction of Guangzhou Nansha International Logistics Center is of great significance in promoting the intensive and standardized development of the entire cold chain logistics industry. MOON-TECH, as a professional intelligent green energy system solution service provider with a history of more than 60 years, has been in the same with China's cold chain cause, watching over each other, witnessing and participating in every mile stone of China's cold chain start-up and development, and helping China's cold chain industry upgrade and leap in the future, and the majority of cold chain enterprises together, to meet the future, embrace the future, and win the future!